• Our mission is to provide a payment solution that is protected, drives internal productivity, and strengthens relationships between vendors and customer.

  • A virtual card is a prefunded one-time use 16 digit credit card created for a specific value for each unique invoice. Frequently, multiple invoices are used on the same card to streamline payments and create less work for vendors to collect their payments.

  • Our virtual cards are more secure than traditional payment methods because they are sent virtually through email and can only be processed for a specific amount, Also, the cards being one-time use means after the payment is collected the card is void and cannot be used again.

  • No, the virtual cards are not limited to only being collected online. They can also be collected over the phone by the vendor from one of our in house payment specialists.

  • 1) They decrease the opportunity for fraudulent activity

    2) Cash rebates can be generated as the payments are collected

    3) Payments are streamlined

    4) Security of payments is increased by using a single credit portal and encrypted emails

  • You are able to start earning rebate dollars through the Agilex ePay program from the first payment that is collected by a vendor.

  • The Agilex program is unique because there are no hidden fees, no commitment, and our in-house account managers are always just a call away. We support our customers and create a specified experience for each company that we work with.